Project showcase

Gluco Connect APP

Group Project
Figma file

A glucose record application that helps users, especially elders,
to document data & connect with others easily.

My role

Team leader, UI design, Design system, Prototype, Handoff document


According to the research, most patients diagnosed with diabetes are elders. And due to the modern lifestyle, a large number of elders live alone. Therefore, we want to make a glucose record application that is

a. Easy for elders to document data
b. Easy to share data with medical professionals
c. Easy for family and friends to keep in touch and support patients


For most elders, learning to use technology is a huge challenge for them. In order to make them feel willing to use this application, we have several disciplines to follow during the design process:

1. Enlarge

Font size at least 18px.
Icon at least 36 x 36 px.

3. High contrast

Use high contrast in colour and text style to help users to complete their tasks.

2. Functional colour

Only use theme colour for functional purpose.

4. Least tasks

Lower the number of tasks in a page can help reducing the pressure when elders learn to use this product.

Healthy & Calm

According to the result of competitor analysis, green and blue are the most popular colours for health management product. We ended up using this LAKE BLUE to make a healthy and calm image.

Clean & Simple

We aim to keep the UI design clean with least decoration to create an easy-to-use experience.


Project duration: 2 weeks

Topic, research, wireframe, design, prototype, handoff docs

The output version for now is a Minimum Viable Product with a lot to improve in each state.

Different Time zone

It's difficult to organise a meeting since group members are in different time zone, including Taiwan, Australia and USA. As a team leader, I asked members who can't attend the meeting to leave ideas in Figma in advance. And I tried to organise conclusions as clear as possible for everyone to read in Figma file after meeting.

Group member's engagement

Since the project is not compulsory, some members weren't interested in engaging in. It was difficult to know everyone's opinion without getting any response. We wasted a lot of time on it, but ended up working quite smoothly because there were only 3 of us left in the project.

What's next?


The contents are still too crowd in most pages. It would make elder users less willing to use this product. I will rearrange layout and search for more ways to visualise data to make pages cleaner.

Higher contrast

I will make changes to color and text style to make the contrast more obvious.

Definition of colours for visual data

There are different kinds of charts that shows health situation in this product. But the colour definition is not clear enough. I am planning to add pop-up banners or notifications to help explain the state to users.